2020年3月29日 星期日

玄學文化篇 ~ 玄天上帝旦 Birthday of ‘God of Northern Stars’



道教則認為北方是幽暗寒冷🌬之所。則是人死後👻陰魂歸宿處。因此叫作「玄」。而統治北方黑陰暗領域的神。就稱 「🔅 玄天上帝🔅」。 「🔅玄天上帝🔅」乃「🔅北極玄武星君🔅」的化身。道教將「玄天上帝」奉祀於「北極殿」或「真武殿」。因而「玄天上帝」又稱「北極大帝」 「真武大帝」… 等。他的全稱為「北極玄天上帝」。

道教說法。「玄武」乃龜蛇合體。位於北方其色黑所以稱「玄」。「玄武」以龜🐢蛇🐍合體以應北宿之象。道教尊稱「上帝」為「三元都統帥 」。統帥三十六帥。是道教靈威最盛信仰最廣的神明之一 

另民間說法。「玄天上帝」原為一名屠夫。 決心修道。擬將屠刀拋入河中。但又恐誤傷水中的生靈。乃舉刀切腹以淨身體。再將腸肚拋棄河中用以贖罪。那知此時空中忽降萬道金光護體。渡化他成仙。這就是俗稱「放下屠刀。立地成佛」 的典故了。

Birthday of the God of the northern star 🌟 (3rd March of Chinese calendar)

Ancient chinese society believed in astrology🌟.  They can foresee changes via observing the even tiny alteration of the stars‘ locations.  They believed messages ✉️from stars are all related to daily lives of the general public. When all the stars move when our planet🌍 rotates, there is only one star that is stationary, this is the ‘Northern star’.  Since this star is unique, therefore, they deified it as God🧝🏻‍♂️.

The ‘God of the northern stars’ rules the first seven flying stars 🌟of the feng shui flying stars.  North in feng shui is a water💧 element and it is the darkest⚫️ and coldest❄️. So dark that it is the ultimate heaven for passed away souls👻.  

In taoist belief, there is a divine beast of a mixture of snake🐍 and turtle🐢 shape.  It is black and lives in the north. It is also the image of the ’God of the northern star‘ on earth🌍. 
