2020年4月17日 星期五

玄學文化篇 ~ 趙公元帥 The story of the fifth ‘God of wealth’

👨🏻‍🏫玄樂玄學文化篇 Zen chinese cultural series

趙公元帥 The story of the fifth ‘God of wealth’

每逢春節🧧。許多人家都要接財神。接完財神吃餃子🥟,稱為財神所賜的元寶。 據說吃了 「元寶」 就會財運亨通。金玉滿堂。這位令人歡迎的財神爺是誰呢。那就是趙公明。



武王伐紂後。姜子牙前往崑崙山玉虛宮。從元始天尊那裡請來了《玉符金冊》奉命封神。姜子牙不計前怨封趙公明為「金龍如意正一龍虎玄壇真君」統帥「招寶天尊昇」 。「納珍天尊晉寶」。「招財使者鄧久公」。「利市仙官姚少司」 四位神仙。專司迎祥納福。商賈買賣 。 由於他的職責與迎祥納福有關。而他的使者又是「招寶。納珍。招財。利市」。自然受到民間普遍的喜愛與歡迎 。 民間又盛傳這四位神仙加上趙公明就是五路財神 。

The story of the fifth ‘God of Wealth’

In chinese culture, God of wealth 💰is the most popular god among their beliefs.  During Chinese New Year🧧, people worship the God of Wealth first and families gather together to eat dumplings.  These dumplings are just like golden ingots which stand for the God of wealth giving lots more wealth to those who worship him.  This is definitely a good blessing. 

This fifth god of wealth is named Zhao, who was a general about 1500 years ago and was killed by witchcraft.  Number of years later, the king wanted to remember his history and granted him a title as the fifth ‘God of wealth’ who can have the power to bring wealth and fortunes to the general public especially to businessmen.  Therefore, he became very popular with the other four gods of wealth and this tradition is still common in chinese society.


